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  1from fonts import adjust_widths_by_letter
  2from hyphen import insert_soft_hyphens
  5class Box():
  7    def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, w=1, h=1, stretchy=False, letter="x"):
  8        """Accept arguments to define our box, and store them."""
  9        self.x = x
 10        self.y = y
 11        self.w = w
 12        self.h = h
 13        self.stretchy = stretchy
 14        self.letter = letter
 16    def __repr__(self):
 17        return 'Box(%s, %s, %s, %s, "%s")' % (
 18            self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h, self.letter
 19        )
 22# Three runs of "a" with spaces between them.
 23# The ideal breaking point is the second space.
 24text_boxes = [Box(letter="a") for a in range(72)]
 25for i in (20, 50):
 26    text_boxes[i].letter = " "
 27    text_boxes[i].stretchy = True
 30# A few pages all the same size
 31pages = [Box(i * 35, 0, 30, 50) for i in range(10)]
 34def hyphenbox():
 35    b = Box(letter="-")
 36    adjust_widths_by_letter([b])
 37    return b
 40def badness(page_width, row):
 41    """Calculate how 'bad' a position to break is.
 43    bigger is worse.
 44    """
 45    # Yes, this is suboptimal. It's easier to optimize working code
 46    # than fixing fast code.
 47    row_width = (row[-1].x + row[-1].w) - row[0].x
 48    slack = page_width - row_width
 49    stretchies = [b for b in row if b.stretchy]
 50    if len(stretchies) > 0:
 51        stretchies_width = sum(s.w for s in stretchies)
 52        # More stetchy space is good. More slack is bad.
 53        badness = slack / stretchies_width
 54    else:  # Nothing to stretch. Not good.
 55        badness = 1000
 56    if slack < 0:
 57        # Arbitrary fudge factor, negative slack is THIS much worse
 58        badness *= -2
 59    return badness
 62# We add a "separation" constant so you can see the boxes individually
 63separation = .05
 66def layout(_boxes):
 67    """Layout boxes along pages.
 69    Keep in mind that this function modifies the boxes themselves, so
 70    you should be very careful about trying to call layout() more than once
 71    on the same boxes.
 73    Specifically, some spaces will become 0-width and not stretchy.
 74    """
 76    # Because we modify the box list, we will work on a copy
 77    boxes = _boxes[:]
 78    # We start at page 0
 79    page = 0
 80    # The 1st box should be placed in the correct page
 81    previous = boxes.pop(0)
 82    previous.x = pages[page].x
 83    previous.y = pages[page].y
 84    row = []
 85    while boxes:
 86        # We take the new 1st box
 87        box = boxes.pop(0)
 88        # And put it next to the other
 89        box.x = previous.x + previous.w + separation
 90        # At the same vertical location
 91        box.y = previous.y
 93        # Handle breaking on newlines
 94        break_line = False
 95        # But if it's a newline
 96        if (box.letter == "\n"):
 97            break_line = True
 98            # Newlines take no horizontal space ever
 99            box.w = 0
100            box.stretchy = False
102        # Or if it's too far to the right, and is a
103        # good place to break the line...
104        elif (box.x + box.w) > (
105            pages[page].x + pages[page].w
106        ) and box.letter in (
107            " ", "\xad"
108        ):
109            if box.letter == "\xad":
110                # Add a visible hyphen in the row
111                h_b = hyphenbox()
112                h_b.x = previous.x + previous.w + separation
113                h_b.y = previous.y
114                _boxes.append(h_b)  # So it's drawn
115                row.append(h_b)  # So it's justified
116            break_line = True
117            # We adjust the row
118            # Remove all right-margin spaces
119            while row[-1].letter == " ":
120                row.pop()
121            slack = (pages[page].x + pages[page].w) - (
122                row[-1].x + row[-1].w
123            )
124            # Get a list of all the ones that are stretchy
125            stretchies = [b for b in row if b.stretchy]
126            if not stretchies:  # Nothing stretches do as before.
127                bump = slack / len(row)
128                # The 1st box gets 0 bumps, the 2nd gets 1 and so on
129                for i, b in enumerate(row):
130                    b.x += bump * i
131            else:
132                bump = slack / len(stretchies)
133                # Each stretchy gets wider
134                for b in stretchies:
135                    b.w += bump
136                # And we put each thing next to the previous one
137                for j, b in enumerate(row[1:], 1):
138                    b.x = row[j - 1].x + row[j - 1].w + separation
140        if break_line:
141            # We start a new row
142            row = []
143            # We go all the way left and a little down
144            box.x = pages[page].x
145            box.y = previous.y + previous.h + separation
147        # But if we go too far down
148        if box.y + box.h > pages[page].y + pages[page].h:
149            # We go to the next page
150            page += 1
151            # And put the box at the top-left
152            box.x = pages[page].x
153            box.y = pages[page].y
155        # Put the box in the row
156        row.append(box)
158        # Collapse all left-margin space
159        if all(b.letter == " " for b in row):
160            box.w = 0
161            box.stretchy = False
162            box.x = pages[page].x
164        previous = box
170import svgwrite
173def draw_boxes(boxes, fname, size, hide_boxes=False):
174    dwg = svgwrite.Drawing(fname, profile="full", size=size)
175    # Draw the pages
176    for page in pages:
177        dwg.add(
178            dwg.rect(
179                insert=(f"{page.x}cm", f"{page.y}cm"),
180                size=(f"{page.w}cm", f"{page.h}cm"),
181                fill="lightblue",
182            )
183        )
184    # Draw all the boxes
185    for box in boxes:
186        # The box color depends on its features
187        color = "green" if box.stretchy else "red"
188        # Make the colored boxes optional
189        if not hide_boxes:
190            dwg.add(
191                dwg.rect(
192                    insert=(f"{box.x}cm", f"{box.y}cm"),
193                    size=(f"{box.w}cm", f"{box.h}cm"),
194                    fill=color,
195                )
196            )
197        # Display the letter in the box
198        if box.letter:
199            dwg.add(
200                dwg.text(
201                    box.letter,
202                    insert=(f"{box.x}cm", f"{box.y + box.h}cm"),
203                    font_size=f"{box.h}cm",
204                    font_family="Arial",
205                )
206            )
210draw_boxes(text_boxes, "lesson11.svg", ("33cm", "5cm"), hide_boxes=True)