❭ code/lesson7/boxes.py
1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768  697071              72737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131                                132    133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267
    boxes <input> <output> [--page-size=<WxH>] [--separation=<sep>]
    boxes --version

from fonts import adjust_widths_by_letter
from hyphen import insert_soft_hyphens

import svgwrite
from docopt import docopt

class Box():

    def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, w=1, h=1, stretchy=False, letter="x"):
        """Accept arguments to define our box, and store them."""
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.w = w
        self.h = h
        self.stretchy = stretchy
        self.letter = letter

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Box(%s, %s, %s, %s, "%s")' % (
            self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h, self.letter

def hyphenbox():
    b = Box(letter="-")
    return b

def badness(page_width, row):
    """Calculate how 'bad' a position to break is.

    bigger is worse.
    # Yes, this is suboptimal. It's easier to optimize working code
    # than fixing fast code.
    row_width = (row[-1].x + row[-1].w) - row[0].x
    slack = page_width - row_width
    stretchies = [b for b in row if b.stretchy]
    if len(stretchies) > 0:
        stretchies_width = sum(s.w for s in stretchies)
        # More stetchy space is good. More slack is bad.
        badness = slack / stretchies_width
    else:  # Nothing to stretch. Not good.
        badness = 1000
    if slack < 0:
        # Arbitrary fudge factor, negative slack is THIS much worse
        badness *= -2
    return badness

def justify_row(row, page, separation):
    """Given a row and a page, adjust position of elements in the row
    so it fits the page width.

    It modifies the contents of the row in place, so returns nothing.

    # Remove all right-margin spaces
    while row[-1].letter == " ":

    # If the line ends in newline, do nothing.
    if row[-1].letter == "\n":

    slack = (page.x + page.w) - (row[-1].x + row[-1].w)
    # Get a list of all the ones that are stretchy
    stretchies = [b for b in row if b.stretchy]
    if not stretchies:
        # Nothing stretches, spread slack on everything
        stretchies = row
    bump = (slack / len(stretchies))
    # Each stretchy gets wider
    for b in stretchies:
        b.w += bump
    # And we put each thing next to the previous one
    for j, b in enumerate(row[1:], 1):
        b.x = row[j - 1].x + row[j - 1].w + separation

def add_hyphen(row, separation):
    """If the row requires a hyphen at the end, add it, respecting separation.

    Returns the added hyphen or None."""
    h_b = None
    if row[-1].letter == "\xad":
        # Add a visible hyphen in the row
        h_b = hyphenbox()
        h_b.x = row[-2].x + row[-2].w + separation
        h_b.y = row[-2].y
        row.append(h_b)  # So it's justified
    return h_b

BREAKING_CHARS = (" ", "\xad")

def is_breaking(box, page):
    """Decide if 'box' is a good candidate to be the end of a row
    in the page."""
    # If it's a newline
    if box.letter == "\n":
        return True

    # If we are too much to the right
    if (box.x + box.w) > (page.x + page.w):
        # And it's a breaking character:
        if box.letter in BREAKING_CHARS:
            return True

    return False

def layout(_boxes, pages, separation):
    """Layout boxes along pages.

    Keep in mind that this function modifies the boxes themselves, so
    you should be very careful about trying to call layout() more than once
    on the same boxes.

    Specifically, some spaces will become 0-width and not stretchy.

    # Because we modify the box list, we will work on a copy

    boxes = _boxes[:]

    # We start at page 0
    page = 0
    # The 1st box should be placed in the correct page
    previous = boxes.pop(0)
    previous.x = pages[page].x
    previous.y = pages[page].y
    row = []
    while boxes:
        # We take the new 1st box
        box = boxes.pop(0)
        # And put it next to the other
        box.x = previous.x + previous.w + separation
        # At the same vertical location
        box.y = previous.y

        # Put the box in the row

        if is_breaking(box, pages[page]):
            h_b = add_hyphen(row, separation)
            if h_b:
                _boxes.append(h_b)  # So it's drawn
            justify_row(row, pages[page], separation)
            # We start a new row
            row = []
            # We go all the way left and a little down
            box.x = pages[page].x
            box.y = previous.y + previous.h + separation

        # But if we go too far down
        if box.y + box.h > pages[page].y + pages[page].h:
            # We go to the next page
            page += 1
            # And put the box at the top-left
            box.x = pages[page].x
            box.y = pages[page].y

        # Collapse all left-margin space
        if all(b.letter == " " for b in row):
            box.w = 0
            box.stretchy = False
            box.x = pages[page].x

        previous = box

    # Remove leftover boxes
    del (pages[page + 1:])

def draw_boxes(boxes, pages, fname, size, hide_boxes=False):
    dwg = svgwrite.Drawing(fname, profile="full", size=size)
    # Draw the pages
    for page in pages:
                insert=(f"{page.x}cm", f"{page.y}cm"),
                size=(f"{page.w}cm", f"{page.h}cm"),
    # Draw all the boxes
    for box in boxes:
        # The box color depends on its features
        color = "green" if box.stretchy else "red"
        # Make the colored boxes optional
        if not hide_boxes:
                    insert=(f"{box.x}cm", f"{box.y}cm"),
                    size=(f"{box.w}cm", f"{box.h}cm"),
        # Display the letter in the box
        if box.letter:
                    insert=(f"{box.x}cm", f"{box.y + box.h}cm"),

def create_text_boxes(input_file):
    p_and_p = open(input_file).read()
    p_and_p = insert_soft_hyphens(p_and_p)  # Insert invisible hyphens
    text_boxes = []
    for letter in p_and_p:
        text_boxes.append(Box(letter=letter, stretchy=letter == " "))
    return text_boxes

def create_pages(page_size):
    # A few pages all the same size
    w, h = page_size
    pages = [Box(i * (w + 5), 0, w, h) for i in range(1000)]
    return pages

def convert(input, output, page_size=(30, 50), separation=0.05):
    pages = create_pages(page_size)
    text_boxes = create_text_boxes(input)
    layout(text_boxes, pages, separation)
        (f"{pages[-1].w + pages[-1].x}cm", f"{pages[-1].h}cm"),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    arguments = docopt(__doc__, version="Boxes 0.13")

    if arguments["--page-size"]:
        p_size = [int(x) for x in arguments["--page-size"].split("x")]
        p_size = (30, 50)

    if arguments["--separation"]:
        separation = float(arguments["--separation"])
        separation = 0.05


❭ code/lesson8/boxes.py
1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192939495                            96979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119      120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146    147148149150151152153154              155156157158                          159160161          162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249
    boxes <input> <output> [--page-size=<WxH>] [--separation=<sep>]
    boxes --version

from fonts import adjust_widths_by_letter
from hyphen import insert_soft_hyphens

import svgwrite
from docopt import docopt

class Box():

    def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, w=1, h=1, stretchy=False, letter="x"):
        """Accept arguments to define our box, and store them."""
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.w = w
        self.h = h
        self.stretchy = stretchy
        self.letter = letter

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Box(%s, %s, %s, %s, "%s")' % (
            self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h, self.letter

def hyphenbox():
    b = Box(letter="-")
    return b

def badness(page_width, row):
    """Calculate how 'bad' a position to break is.

    bigger is worse.
    # Yes, this is suboptimal. It's easier to optimize working code
    # than fixing fast code.
    row_width = (row[-1].x + row[-1].w) - row[0].x
    slack = page_width - row_width
    stretchies = [b for b in row if b.stretchy]
    if len(stretchies) > 0:
        stretchies_width = sum(s.w for s in stretchies)
        # More stetchy space is good. More slack is bad.
        badness = slack / stretchies_width
    else:  # Nothing to stretch. Not good.
        badness = 1000
    if slack < 0:
        # Arbitrary fudge factor, negative slack is THIS much worse
        badness *= -2
    return badness

def justify_row(row, page, separation):
    """Given a row and a page, adjust position of elements in the row
    so it fits the page width.

    It modifies the contents of the row in place, so returns nothing.

    # Remove all right-margin spaces
    while row[-1].letter == " ":

    # If the line ends in newline, do nothing.
    if row[-1].letter == "\n":

    # If the line ends with a soft-hyphen, replace it with a real hyphen
    elif row[-1].letter == "\xad":
        # This looks pretty bad, doesn't it?
        hyphen = hyphenbox()
        row[-1].letter = hyphen.letter
        row[-1].w = hyphen.w

    slack = (page.x + page.w) - (row[-1].x + row[-1].w)
    # Get a list of all the ones that are stretchy
    stretchies = [b for b in row if b.stretchy]
    if not stretchies:
        # Nothing stretches, spread slack on everything
        stretchies = row
    bump = (slack / len(stretchies))
    # Each stretchy gets wider
    for b in stretchies:
        b.w += bump
    # And we put each thing next to the previous one
    for j, b in enumerate(row[1:], 1):
        b.x = row[j - 1].x + row[j - 1].w + separation

BREAKING_CHARS = (" ", "\xad")

def is_breaking(box, page):
    """Decide if 'box' is a good candidate to be the end of a row
    in the page."""
    # If it's a newline
    if box.letter == "\n":
        return True

    # If we are too much to the right
    if (box.x + box.w) > (page.x + page.w):
        # And it's a breaking character:
        if box.letter in BREAKING_CHARS:
            return True

    return False

def fill_row(boxes, page, separation):
    """Fill a row with elements removed from boxes.

    The elements put in the row should be a good fit for laying out on
    page considering separation.


    row = []
    x = page.x
    while boxes:
        b = boxes.pop(0)
        b.x = x
        if is_breaking(b, page):

        x = x + b.w + separation
    return row

def layout(_boxes, _pages, separation):
    """Layout boxes along pages."""

    # We modify these lists, so use copies
    boxes = _boxes[:]
    pages = _pages[:]

    # Start in page 0
    current_page = pages.pop(0)
    y = current_page.y

    # If we run out of boxes or pages, stop

    while boxes and pages:
        # If this row would end below the page, advance to next page
        if (y + boxes[0].h) > (current_page.y + current_page.h):
            current_page = pages.pop(0)
            y = current_page.y
        # Put "enough" letters into row and out of boxes
        row = fill_row(boxes, current_page, separation)
        # Adjust box positions to fill the page width

        justify_row(row, current_page, separation)
        # Put all the letters in the right vertical position
        y = y + row[0].h + separation
        for b in row:

            b.y = y
    # Remove unused pages
    del (_pages[-len(pages):])

def draw_boxes(boxes, pages, fname, size, hide_boxes=False):
    dwg = svgwrite.Drawing(fname, profile="full", size=size)
    # Draw the pages
    for page in pages:
                insert=(f"{page.x}cm", f"{page.y}cm"),
                size=(f"{page.w}cm", f"{page.h}cm"),
    # Draw all the boxes
    for box in boxes:
        # The box color depends on its features
        color = "green" if box.stretchy else "red"
        # Make the colored boxes optional
        if not hide_boxes:
                    insert=(f"{box.x}cm", f"{box.y}cm"),
                    size=(f"{box.w}cm", f"{box.h}cm"),
        # Display the letter in the box
        if box.letter:
                    insert=(f"{box.x}cm", f"{box.y + box.h}cm"),

def create_text_boxes(input_file):
    p_and_p = open(input_file).read()
    p_and_p = insert_soft_hyphens(p_and_p)  # Insert invisible hyphens
    text_boxes = []
    for letter in p_and_p:
        text_boxes.append(Box(letter=letter, stretchy=letter == " "))
    return text_boxes

def create_pages(page_size):
    # A few pages all the same size
    w, h = page_size
    pages = [Box(i * (w + 5), 0, w, h) for i in range(1000)]
    return pages

def convert(input, output, page_size=(30, 50), separation=0.05):
    pages = create_pages(page_size)
    text_boxes = create_text_boxes(input)
    layout(text_boxes, pages, separation)
        (f"{pages[-1].w + pages[-1].x}cm", f"{pages[-1].h}cm"),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    arguments = docopt(__doc__, version="Boxes 0.13")

    if arguments["--page-size"]:
        p_size = [int(x) for x in arguments["--page-size"].split("x")]
        p_size = (30, 50)

    if arguments["--separation"]:
        separation = float(arguments["--separation"])
        separation = 0.05
