class Box(): def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, w=1, h=1): """Accept arguments to define our box, and store them.""" self.x = x self.y = y self.w = w self.h = h def __repr__(self): return "Box(%s, %s, %s, %s)" % (self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h) # Many boxes with varying widths from random import randint many_boxes = [Box(w=1 + randint(-5, 5) / 10) for i in range(5000)] # A few pages all the same size pages = [Box(i * 35, 0, 30, 50) for i in range(10)] # We add a "separation" constant so you can see the boxes individually separation = .2 def layout(_boxes): # Because we modify the box list, we will work on a copy boxes = _boxes[:] # We start at page 0 page = 0 # The 1st box should be placed in the correct page previous = boxes.pop(0) previous.x = pages[page].x previous.y = pages[page].y row = [] while boxes: # We take the new 1st box box = boxes.pop(0) # And put it next to the other box.x = previous.x + previous.w + separation # At the same vertical location box.y = previous.y # But if it's too far to the right... if (box.x + box.w) > (pages[page].x + pages[page].w): # We adjust the row slack = (pages[page].x + pages[page].w) - ( row[-1].x + row[-1].w ) bump = slack / len(row) # The 1st box gets 0 bumps, the 2nd gets 1 and so on for i, b in enumerate(row): b.x += bump * i # We start a new row row = [] # We go all the way left and a little down box.x = pages[page].x box.y = previous.y + previous.h + separation # But if we go too far down if box.y + box.h > pages[page].y + pages[page].h: # We go to the next page page += 1 # And put the box at the top-left box.x = pages[page].x box.y = pages[page].y # Put the box in the row row.append(box) previous = box layout(many_boxes) import svgwrite def draw_boxes(boxes, fname, size): dwg = svgwrite.Drawing(fname, profile="full", size=size) # Draw the pages for page in pages: dwg.add( dwg.rect( insert=(f"{page.x}cm", f"{page.y}cm"), size=(f"{page.w}cm", f"{page.h}cm"), fill="lightblue", ) ) # Draw all the boxes for box in boxes: dwg.add( dwg.rect( insert=(f"{box.x}cm", f"{box.y}cm"), size=(f"{box.w}cm", f"{box.h}cm"), fill="red", ) ) draw_boxes(many_boxes, "lesson5.svg", ("100cm", "50cm"))